The ORBITAX T3 is a meter-recorder integrated in a single electronic unit, with electric power measuring and mains analyser functions that complies with all EU standards and with the imposed specifications for types 2, 3, 4 and 5 recorders (three access tariff contracts, electronic signature and two load curves).
It uses the IEC 870-5-102 communications protocol, adapted by the system operator, including the new phase two definitions. The ORBITAX T3 performs the power measurement in four quadrants and can operate in dingle or dual-direction modes. For reactive power measurements it discriminates between CAPACITIVE AND INDUCTIVE.
The meter measuring system is based on the latest developments in digital power meters / wattmeters. By digitising the waveforms, for voltage and current in the three phases, and via digital calculations, the rms values are obtained for voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor, in addition to other electrical parameters.
The ORBITAX T3 also includes pulse emitters and calibration LEDs, which provide pulses in accordance with the measured power. The pulse values are given on the ratings plate on each unit depending on the model and are set at the factory. These pulses activate the external calibration LEDs and those sent by the re-transmitters.
Measured quantity : voltage
Connector type : RS-232C
Display : with screen
Applications : for electric power meters
Other characteristics : programmable
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