Conventional piezo based nanopositioning systems use one stack type actuator (piezo actuator) for the motion of an axis. This ceramic stack is mounted between solid flexure joints to translate the forces generated by the stack. If these forces are higher than the internal preload, there is a risk of damaging the stack type actuator (piezo stack).
The NanoX® design by piezosystem jena intelligently solves this problem:
The motion along one axis is achieved by using two stacks. While one piezo actuator moves in a certain direction, the other one is going the opposite way and back to its original position. The result is a higher stiffness of the whole nanopositioner (piezo stage). A nanopositioning system designed this way can bear higher forces and stacks are less likely to break.
piezosystem jena is offering a variety of stages using the NanoX® construction method. There are X and XY nanopositioning systems with up to 1.1 N/µm stiffness and up to 900 µm motion range. The NanoX® stages are ideal for high speed laser scanning, vibration control, active damping and other applications that are in need of highly dynamic motion.
Type : piezoelectric
Orientation : linear
Number of axes : 1-axis, 2-axis
Technology : analog, digital
Product applications : optical component, parts, for robots
Other characteristics : precision, for precision machining, custom, high blocking force
Payload : Min.:
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