The Atomx Automated VOC Sample Preparation system combines an Autosampler and Purge and Trap into a single instrument for the analysis of VOCs in soils and waters. This is the first of its kind and only system that employs a unique methanol extraction automation feature for high level soils in accordance with USEPA Method 5035.
Extractasol clean-up step in the Atomx reduces carryover or cross contamination normally associated with high-level water or soil analysis. Three new independent injection systems for internal standards, surrogates, and matrix spikes provide the ability to select variable volumes without generating waste.
The Atomx features Tekmar’s proven carousel drive capable of holding 80-vials for optimal throughput therefore reducing downtime. While priced competitively, this system offers unique features that cannot be found on other sample prep systems on the market today.
VOC sampling and analysis are used in a wide range of applications in the following industries:
Food and Beverage
Flavor, Fragrance, and Packaging
Sample type : volatile organic compound
Technology : automatic
Applications : for environmental analysis, for the pharmaceutical industry
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