Pillard Nocostop™ is designed to measure in real-time the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) through an electronic cells specific to each gas, thus ensuring air quality and safety for users in road tunnels and car parks. Pillard Nocostop™ has a high reactivity in the presence of gas at quite low thresholds.
Continuous detection
Pillard’s Nocostop™ detector has been designed to measure continuously the concentration of CO, NO and NO₂. The measure is evaluated by means of electrochemical cell specific to each gas, thus ensuring air quality and safety for users of tunnels and car parks. Pillard Nocostop™ has a high reactivity in the presence of gas at quite low thresholds.
Easy maintenance
The communication console management makes maintenance operations easier. The LCD screen requires no adjustments, making the whole system even more simple.
Increased resistence
With its stainless steel unit (316L), Pillard Nocostop™ is highly resistant, even in extreme environments.
Key features
Response time < 30 seconds
Drift measure < 5% a year
-40°C to +65°C
Gas type : nitrogen monoxide, carbon monoxide
Technology : electronic
Other characteristics : real-time
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